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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Sleep Tea, BP Tea, Asthama Tea, Vigour Tea and Memory Tea.

Sleep Tea

Combination : Sleep Tea is a combination of Withania Somnifera, Valerian and Lavender. This blend will not only induce sleep, it will nourish the nervous system, relax the body and calm the mind. Sleep Tea make sleep to come easy and improves the quality of sleep throughout the night.Withania Somnifera : Ashwagandhiline, an alkaloid, Withaferin A, Withanolides, steroidal compounds.lavender : Lavender gives a soothing effect to mind and body. It helps to relax and concentrates the mind. Lavender is used for relaxing and balancing for mind and body. Aids sleep, soothes tired muscles, benefits the immune system encourages stillness and tranquility. Has some antiseptic qualities and is useful for the skin.Valerian : Valerian is a powerful nervine, stimulant, carminative and antispasmodic. It has been safely used to reduce tension and anxiety, over-excitability and hysterical states. It is an effective aid in insomnia, producing a natural healing sleep. As a pain reliever it is indicated when pain is associated with tension, migraines and rheumatic pain.
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BP Tea

Combination : Essential components of BP Tea are the following herbs, Rowalifia Serpentina and Camellia Sinases. These carefully blended combinations are an approved drug in maintaining the blood pressure.Use : To control the BP in the system please check your pressure level before use. The active ingredient called 'reserpine' is a proven drug for the control of blood pressure. Best way is to take reserpine in the natural advice.Duration : The BP Tea should be used for atleast one month and it should be continued according to the need. It is always better to take it under medical advice.Direction : One cup in the morning and one cup in the night before food is the recommended dosage. According to the level of the pressure it could be reduced to one time daily.
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Asthama Tea

Combination : Asthma Tea is a combination of carefully selected herbs-Adhatoda Vasica and camellia Synesls. The medicinal properties of Adhatoda Casica is very well known all over the world throughout therapeutic property generations for Its therapy as .ecpectorant, diuretic, antlspasmodic and bronchodilation. Camellia synesis is added to make the drink more palatable and activise the treatment.Gymnema Syvestra : Gymnema Sylvestra, a herb whose use originated in India, appears to have some very important and interesting effects on diabetes. Common name : Gurmar (which means Sugar Destroyer ). Main constituent is gymencic acid (a complex mixture of at least nine closely related acidic glycosides).
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Vigour Tea

Combination : Roots of WIthania Somnifera and leaves of Cammellia Synasis. 'These two herbs are blended in correct proportion in order to obtain maximum result.Purpose : The roots of the herb, Withania Somnifera is known for properties like reducing the nervous debility and giving good strength to the body. It beautifies the body also. It removes excessive heat from the body, improves the muscle strength and gives sleep and longevity of life. It helps to lead a better sex life by giving strength at any age.Proportion : 40% Camellia Synasis is added to make the drink more palatable and easy to consume 60% Withania Sominfera serves the purpose of the herb.
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Memory Tea

Combination : 60% Bacopa Menneri and 40% camellia Synsesis.Clinical Indication :(1) Smruthi-Prada proved to increase memory power and(2) Buddhi-Meha increases Intelligence.Properties : This wonderful combination of tea gives great strength to be brain and memory power. Provides alertness to body and improves the sharpness of reflexes.Helps to Improve the ability to think and capacity to organise the brain power. The active ingredient 'Brahmi Ghrutham' helps to improve memory power and increases intelligence.Advantage : These tested herbs will have no side effects. Both men and women can take 'this as their trusted way of treating their memory power.
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