Our Products
2 Products availableFresh, Dried & Preserved Vegetables
2 Products availableSesame Seeds
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Nutmeg, Saffron, Cumin Seeds, Coriander Seeds and Caraway Seeds
The brown seed of the fruit of an evergreen tree. Of the two sources, Indonesia and West Indian compare favorably in aroma, but higher fixed oil in the West Indian restricts its use in some applications.
Dried flower stigmas of a. member of the crocus family. By the pound, our most expensive spice, but a pinch does so much flavoring and coloring that it is not prohibitive.
Small, elongated, yellowish-brown seeds of a plant of the parsley family. Also "comino." The aromatic flavor note in chili powder and essential in curries.
Small, round, buff-colored seeds of the coriander plant. Mild, delicately fragrant aroma with lemony/sage undertone.
Hard, brown, scimiter-shaped seeds of an herb of the parsley family. The seed of "seeded rye bread" and German sauerkraut favorite. Most popular in Austrian and German cooking to flavor breads and pastries.
Very small, reddish-brown seeds of a member of the pea family. Pleasantly bitter flavor with curry-like aroma. Essential in curry powder; basis of imitation maple
Star Anise Seeds Large, brown, star-shaped fruit of an evergreen tree. Each point contains a seed; whole fruit is used. Anise-like flavor. Old-time pickling favorite. |
Bright green leaves of the parsley plant. There are several different varieties of parsley American, Italian, and Chinese or Mexican (see Cilantro ). Italian parsley has broader leaves, and a stronger flavor than its American counterpart. Fresh parsley, when chopped fine and sprinkled onto a dish before serving, adds a pleasant taste and freshness.