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Sealing & Strapping Machines
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1 Products availablePolyurethane Sealants
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Touffset EG55 Construction Chemicals, High Bond SBR Construction Chemicals, Topgrout E70 Construction Chemicals, Curecrete C 300A Construction Chemicals and Construction Chemicals
Touffset EG55 is a multi component anchor cartridge system g based on a high grade epoxy resin with superior chemical and abrasion resistance. Touffset EG55 is having high bond strength to concrete, steel, wood and other available substrates. Its it suitable for dry, damp and wet substrates.
Field of Application
Application - Hole PreparationAnchor bolt holes should be drilled using air or rotary percussion drilling equipment. If diamond core or non percussive drills are used then sides of the hole must be thoroughly roughened
Packaging Standard Cartridges
Shelf LifeStore in dry conditions between 5°C to 40°C. The shelf life is 12 months when unopened and stored correctly.
CleaningClean all tools and equipment immediately with OrgaCLEAN or any suggested cleaning agent
Health and SafetyThis product is for industrial use only by trained operatives. It is potentially hazardous if not used correctly. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prior to the purchase and use of this product. The MSDS can be obtained from support@ organixbs.com.
HIGHBOND SBR is a high performance, non-redispersible, Styrene Butadiene Rubber latex designed bonding agent and multipurpose admixture for cementitious systems which enhances water and abrasion resistance and increase durability. HIGH BOND SBR Waterproof Bonding Agent is ideal for use in internal and external renderings, flooring screeds and patch repairs. It can be used internally or externally where improvements in the physical properties of Portland cements systems are required.
Application Field
Properties Conforms to ASTM C 1059, Type II
Surface PreparationAll surfaces must be sound, clean, free from dust, grease, oil and loose materials. Surfaces with high suction should be thoroughly dampened before application. Any excess water should be removed from the surface before application. Sands used in the mixes should be well graded, clean, sharp sands, and should conform to the appropriate standards.
ApplicationHot, exposed or very absorbent surfaces should bed dampened prior to application or priming with a mix of 1:8 bond and water. Washed aggregate and sand particle sizes should also correspond to the thickness of mortar to be applied and the required surface finish. SBR is compatible with manual mixing or misers of rotating blades. Agitation should be minimized to maintain good densities and avoid penetration of air.For better effects all applications other than those sprayed on renders, a bonding primer coat 1:1 (HIGHBOND SBR : Water) is recommended. This can be brushed into the prepared surface and fresh mortar should be applied while the bonding coat is still wet. If it is water resisting renders please ensure that two priming coats are applied at right angles to a minimum and normal thickness of 1.5mm.
General Mix Mortars
Highbond SBRIs recommended in view of its high strength and water resistance for - Exterior Plastering & 2. High Grade Interior Plastering.
CleaningClean all equipment with water immediately after use
Packing200 Litre Drums and 20 Ltr Pails/Jerry Cans
Health & Safety Instruction
TOPGROUT E70 is a multi component epoxy tile grout based on a high grade epoxy resin system with superior chemical and abrasion resistance. TOPGROUT E70 is having high bond strength to concrete , steel , wood and other available substrates.
Field Of ApplicationTOPGROUT E70 is a high strength material with no shrinkage, and suitable for grouting tiles in high abrasion, chemical resistance and immersed situations. TOPGROUT E70 suitable to use to grout the tile for residential and industrial floor and wall such as laboratories, food processing plants, hospitals, abattoirs, kitchen and swimming pool where superior resistance properties are required. TOPGROUT E70 suitable for internal and external applications and is impervious to water and other liquids.Chemical Resistant –Acids Excellent to Citric Acid, Tartaric Acid, Nitric Acid, Formic Acid, Lactic Hydrochloric Acid, Sulphuric Acid etc.
Chemical Resistant –Alkalis Excellent to Ammonia in solution, Caustic soda, Chlorine, Sodium bisulphite, Potassium hydroxide, Potassium permanganate
ColourAvailable in different RAL colours
Packaging3, 5 & 10 Kg Set. Larger packs available upon request.
Shelf LifeStore in dry conditions between 5°C to 40°C. The shelf life is 12 months when unopened and stored correctly.
Installation GuidelinesTOPGROUT E70 provides detailed method statements on all its products for use in various applications. These must be referred to prior to starting work. The information below is a summary intended for guidance only.
Substrate PreparationThe tile joints must be clean, free of any contamination.
Mixing Mix components together thoroughly with a slow speed drill for 2 to 3 minutes (max 400 R.P.M.) and continue mixing until homogeneous. Packs can be split if suitable weighing and measuring equipment is available at the job site. Where multiple small areas are to be grouted, transfer the mixed grout to clean buckets and distribute to the grouting teams to allow them to use the product within 45 minutes.
GroutingTOPGROUT E70 should be applied after 12 hours but within 24 hours after application of the tile adhesive. This will help ensure uniform stress distribution at the bond line and maximum bond. Apply using a rubber grouting spatula or trowel, taking care to ensure that is well compacted into the joints. Excess material should be removed immediately from the tile surface using a damp cloth or sponge.
JointsEnsure that movement and perimeter joints are incorporated as per the relevant Code of Practice.
CleaningClean all tools and equipment immediately with OrgaCLEAN or any suggested cleaning agent
Health and SafetyThis product is for industrial use only by trained operatives. It is potentially hazardous if not used correctly. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) prior to the purchase and use of this product. The MSDS can be obtained from support@ organixbs.com
CURECRETE C 300 is a water based, advanced acrylic formula, curing compound and water sealer/repellent in one. It’s a special liquid formulation, curing and sealing compound based on acrylic resin emulsion, wetting agent and additive. It is used to prevent rapid evaporation of water from fresh concrete ensuring uniform hydration, adequate strength development and also minimize plastic shrinkage cracks. It is also used to seal concrete against ingress of waterborne salts such as chlorides, sulphates and atmospheric carbon dioxide gas. It has excellent curing and sealing properties. CURECRETE C 300 is very cost effective and labor saving eliminate.Excellent UV stable curing and sealing performance from a ready-to-use, sprayable, user-friendly curing agent
Direction For UseBefore using, stir CURECRETE C 300 in the can. Transfer contents to a conventional back pack spray machine and apply top fresh concrete evenly and uniformly. Maintain uniform spraying pressure to avoid puddles. Apply CURECRETE C 300 at the earliest opportunity immediately when initial bleed water has disappeared.On formed concrete, wash the surface of the concrete with clean water immediately after removing the forms. Immediately after surface water has disappeared, apply CURECRETE C 300 by spray, roller or brush.
Application Rate
Surface FinishesCURECRETE C 300 acts as a primer for water-based emulsion paints such as PVA, Acrylic, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, PVC, etc.It is also compatible with bituminous emulsion and latex-modified cementitious renders and tile adhesive.
Clean UpPrior to drying, equipment may be easily cleaned with soap and water. Once dried, use mineral spirits or other suitable petroleum solvent.
Health and Safety4Using gloves, goggles and other protective clothing is advised to use C-300 4If swallowed, do not induce vomiting Direct contact may result in mild irritation. Read and follow all application, label, precautions, and health and safety information prior to use. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for complete health and safety information.
Storage15 months if stored at 35°C under shed.
PackingCURECRETE C 300 is available in 20 Ltr. Pail 200 Ltr. drum.
Precautions Keep From Freezing. Do not apply when the temperature of the air and/or the concrete is less than 40º F (4º C). DO NOT MIX OR DILUTE WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS OR LIQUIDS. Do not use on surfaces that are later to be painted, tiled, hardened, sealed or treated in any manner. Do not use on patios, sidewalks or other areas where there is typically no wheel traffic to abrade the white film urface. Not recommended for use on residential applications.
NoteAll information is given in good faith on the results gained from experience and tests. However, all recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee since we don't have any control on site conditions and its uses.