Our Products
We offer a complete product range of HYDRA-CELL METERING PUMPS, Peristaltic Pumps for Industrial and DISPLACEMENT INDUSTRIAL PUMPS
Hydra-Cell pumps have a steady state accuracy of 1% with a repeatability and linearity to 3% or better, satisfying API 675 metering pump performance standards and therefore are often used as a high capacity metering pumps.
P200 cutaway illustrationTo assist our customers with their metering applications and to help ensure maximum efficiency, the standard model F20, M03, D04, D10 and H25 Hydra-Cell pumps have been matched with a range of gearboxes and programmable pump controllers for precise flow adjustment, forming what we refer to as the P Series metering pump product line.
Compared to conventional, expensive metering pumps, the unique high frequency Hydra-Cell design results in very smooth flow rates and reduced acceleration head without costly accessories such as pulsation dampeners.
Vector peristaltic pumps are available with hose sizes from " to 2" to provide flow rates from 0.1 GPM to 50 GPM for transferring fluids at pressures up to 60 PSI. Vector peristaltic pumps are used to transfer viscous, pure or other non-lubricating "difficult to pump fluids" such as egg yokes, custards, cold crmes and chemicals from a holding tank to a processing line. Vector pumps have excellent suction lift capabilities.
Wanner Engineering, the innovative company that brought you the Hydra-Cell pump, has added another product to their industrial pump line - The Vector Peristaltic Pump.
When you use a Vector Pump, nothing comes into contact with the fluid except the hose material. Since hoses can be changed quickly without coming into contact with the pumped fluid, they are often used to transfer solids laden waste water, chemical slurries and other volatile fluids in a safe, reliable manner. Vector pumps are an excellent alternative to air operated diaphragm pumps. They do not require air, will not stall when run at low RPM's and operate equally well in both hot and cold weather. And just like the Hydra-Cell, Vector pumps can be run dry!
Hydra-Cell Pumps have a sealless design; they do not have cups, packing or mechanical seals. The are used for flow rates from fractional GPM up to 45 GPM for discharge pressures from 50 to 3000 PSI. Hydra-Cell pumps are ideal for pumping cryogenic, very hot, abrasive and reclaimed fluids that compromise traditional "sealed pumps".
Our Hydra-Cell pumps are positive displacement and unlike centrifugal, gear, air operated diaphragm and progressing cavity pumps, ours operate at >=90% efficiency. Furthermore, they are sealless, meaning they have no cups, packing or mechanical seals, and this provides you with long reliability and minimal maintenance costs.