Our Products
We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Air / Liquid Separator, Vertical Gas Liquid Separators, T Gas Liquid Separators and T-DTL Gas Liquid Separators
Wright Austin Air Liquid Separators are available in many configurations ad can be custom fabricated to meet your specific requirements. T style air liquid separators are common for smaller pipelines and for high percentages of entrainment. Some Wright Austin air liquid separators have built-in drain traps and for those that do not, we offer float style air liquid drain traps to safely drain the fluid from the pipeline without product or pressure loss. Wright Austin exhaust heads reduce visible condensate plumes and help recover expensive boiler additives Our products are designed to separate all entrained water and oil from exhaust air, gas or steam prior to being discharged into the atmosphere or next stage in the pipeline. When properly sized they will remove 99% of all liquids and solids greater than 10 microns in size. Whether you are recovering boiler treatment chemicals from condensate vents or simply removing condensate from compressed air lines, our products offer a cost effective and maintenance free way to remove entrained moisture.
The Wright-Austin 35L series of in-line vertical gas/liquid separators remove 99% of droplets and particles equal to or greater than 10 microns in a very compact design. As the moisture laden gas enters the separator, it encounters a curved, stationary blading structure welded to the inside of the vessel, and this causes a centrifugal force, propelling the droplets to the outer wall. The liquid coalesces and exits the separator's drain.
As with all Wright-Austin gas/liquid separators, there are no moving parts, they are self-cleaning and require no maintenance. Wright Austin gas liquid separators employ a patented Vortex Containment Plate (VCP) and combined with centrifugal action assures maximum separation of entrainment with minimal chances of reentrainment. Wright Austin accomplished this without complex baffles, deflectors and other structures that obstruct the flow-stream, resulting in very low pressure drops.
All Wright Austin Model 35L series air liquid separators are available with ASME code stamp and CRN. All fabricated 35L style gas/liquid separators are designed in New Jersey (USA) in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division I.
There are 4 configurations, refer to the chart below and follow the links to the associated part number, pricing and outline drawing pages. If your flow path is horizontal, review the 30L Style Horizontal Gas/Liquid Separator page.
Wright Austin T style air liquid separators are designed to remove 99% of all liquid droplets and solid particles greater than or equal to 10 microns in size. Wright-Austin T style gas/liquid separators are used for steam, air and gas applications.
Moisture laden gas enters the T style separator and is deflected downwards in a centrifugal motion. The reduction in velocity separates out the liquid, which falls below and coalesces under the patented Vortex Containment Plate (VCP). The VCP prevents reentrainment of the liquid into the gas. The resulting dry, clean gas flows upwards and exits through the outlet of the separator. Wright Austin accomplished this without complex baffles, deflectors and other structures that obstruct the flow-stream and this results in very low pressure drops.
The smaller versions of the T style gas/liquid separators are available in cast iron, cast steel and cast 316SS. Larger and customized versions are fabricated from carbon steel, 304SS, 316SS and can also be fabricated from exotic alloys when needed.
Except for cast iron construction, T style gas/liquid separators are available with ASME code stamp and CRN. All fabricated T style gas/liquid separators are designed in New Jersey (USA) in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division I.
Wright Austin high efficiency T style DTL gas liquid separators for horizontal applications are designed specifically for liquid droplet separation involving high solids content. T style DTL gas liquid separators have a conical shaped drain sump for better drainage.
When properly sized, our separators will remove up to 99% of all liquid and solids greater than 10 microns in size from an air, gas or steam flow. The removal is accomplished by a design that causes the air/gas/steam to enter a controlled centrifugal flow. This results in forcing the entrained material to the outer wall and the VCP prevents re-entrainment. The removed particles and liquid accumulate at the bottom of the conical drain sump.
All Wright Austin Model DTL series air liquid separators are available with ASME code stamp and CRN. All fabricated 30L style gas/liquid separators are designed in New Jersey (USA) in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division I.
The typical float style drain trap is not recommended for this type of application, it is suggested that a rotary valve is used instead because its design inherently allows for the solids to be removed with minimal loss of air, gas or steam from the system.